
Courses on the European Patent Convention


Basic Training in the European Patent Convention.

Book-a-tutor. This course is conducted as small study groups (3-5 students per group) in preparation for the EQE. Each study group gets assigned a tutor who follows the group, prepares for and participates in the group meetings – usually for 12 hours in total divided into 4-6 meetings. The specific topics to be discussed are agreed between the tutor and the participants of a study group. Typically the groups focus on one or more of the EQE papers, e.g. on paper A and B or on paper C and D.

The course is offered once a year during the fall.

The costs per participant for a course with 6 meetings is DKr. 5.400,- ex. VAT.

If you are interested, please contact the course coordinator Holm Schwarze (hsc@gipc.eu)

Tailor-made courses (upon request).

Actual courses are announced under News.